What kind of numerology/astrology people pursue things by dates/planets?
yesterday i heard about 9/9/09 was a special date because of the number, is this some study of ancient numerology,astrology or something if so what is the name of the practice?
kinda interesting i want to read more about it
any info is helpful.
Suggestion by Azurae
The number 9 is associated with endings..i suppose that is why some where saying the world is gonna end on 9/9/9…
You can go to www.starlightnumerology.com for more info
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What is the numerology for Winter Solstice 2010?
I am wondering what the numerology is for the winter solstice 2010 because the lunar eclipse lines up with it this year. Thanks!
Oh btw- not sure where this question belongs.
Suggestion by Consort of the Goddess
I did a search on 12/21/2010 and the number is 6, I came up with this good news:
About the Number 6
Theme: Family and Social Responsibility, Service, Healing
Astro Association: Gemini
Tarot Association: Lovers
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