Can you use cards (like the deck kind) to fortune tell and or use them as runes?
I want to find an OLD (as in ancient) way to use a standard deck of cards (modifiable if necessary) to either fortune tell or use them to cast as runes.
I need to know how,
where to find how,
and even a history if possible!
I’ll be forever in your debt,
Suggestion by fiacharrey
An ancient way to use a standard deck of cards? Well, the standard deck of cards is a fairly recent phenomenon, so that leaves out an ancient method directly using the cards.
There are 24 runes, so if you want to use cards, just use 24 of them. You could use 1-8 from three suits, one suit for each aett.
There are plenty of books on using cards to do divination.
Suggestion by idk
well psycics use cards that have futeristic possibillitys on them and if i you flip it and it’s upside down then you won’t have that future but if it’s right side up you will have that future so yes you can fortune tell with cards
Suggestion by Con Rad
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Where can I consult for FREE online my fortune thru Chinese astrology and horoscope?
I would like to consult online for free through Chinese astrology and horoscope!
Suggestion by urtelnme
A personal consultation is usually never free. But try the Yahoo search box and use Yahoo’s astrology site. I read them everyday and they have the Chinese readings too.
Suggestion by Ming Z
To be honest, in my opinion Chinese Astrology is more sophisicated than any science subject I have studied in college. To tell one’s fortune, it is not simple service and is normally not free.
Here are several links about general introduction on Chinese Astrology. You may find them helpful.
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