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Q&A: Do you do reiki or any kind of supernatural healing?


Do you do reiki or any kind of supernatural healing?
I will trade you:

Free and accurate psychic readings, dream interpretation, and spiritual advice about the future from the angel of God in exchange for free reiki healing

Suggestion by ladyren
There is no such thing.

Get an education, honey. That stuff is just all pretend….but I think you already know that… it’s all just a scam.

Suggestion by Doonie – Atheist Fackwagger and RMonkee Hater
reiki works and I have used it successfully…

Suggestion by Nun’yaBusiness.
Reiki is a legitimate means of healing; so much so the NHS – national health service – in scotland has compiled a list of alternative therapies it’s now rolling out across hospitals throughout the country. Combined with it is Tui Na – chinese acupressure – and acupuncture (Actually using the needles). Why don’t you go read up on studies done on its effects psychologically and physically instead of simply deriding it as nonsense. Pro tip – Wikipedia isn’t a reliable source.
So STFU ladylame.

Anyway, I do not do Reiki, though there should be plenty of support groups online that can help you with it – especially in your local area.

Add your own answer in the comments!

How to become a psychic?
Those who are close minded or athiests, don’t bother answering as I have seen experienced too much evidence to be tricked back into that judgemental mindset.Just as how televisions and radios recieve information out of thin air, the human can also as in science it was proven that the human brain is a transmitter and reciever of those very same frequencies. Those who understand how energy works, I am interested in hearing from. What steps need to be taken to see reality clearly (see the abilities and information we have closed ourselves off to)

Suggestion by Cat_LoveR
Don’t you first have to have the gift first and then develop it?

Suggestion by God
Well, I’m not saying that psychics don’t exist, just that at the moment they aren’t backed by verifiable scientific evidence. That may change in the future, but as of now science says psychics aren’t real. Remember, we have been testing psychics for almost a hundred years now and no psychic has been proven to be real.

Suggestion by Yellow panther
well it’s genetic, your either born with it or your not, however there are many forms of divination you can learn. If you really have an intrest try following a path in wicca.

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